Showing 1 - 25 of 354 Results
History of North American Birds Land Birds by Baird, Spencer F., Fullerto... ISBN: 9780405057113 List Price: $145.95
Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in ... 1852: by R. B. Marcy ... assisted by G. B.... by Randolph Benton Marcy, Spen... ISBN: 9781241508937 List Price: $37.75
Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers by Captain L. Sitgreaves Illustrat... by Lorenzo Sitgreaves, Spencer... ISBN: 9781241510718 List Price: $32.75
Directions for Collecting, Preserving, and Transporting Specimens of Natural History by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781169463301 List Price: $24.76
Annual Record of Science and Industry by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781174007613 List Price: $63.75
Annual Record of Science and Industry by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781174460739 List Price: $58.75
Annual Record of Science and Industry by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781174482366 List Price: $58.75
Annual Record of Science and Industry by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781174593499 List Price: $57.75
Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah : Including a reconnoiss... by Stansbury, Howard, Haldeman... ISBN: 9781174863400 List Price: $45.75
Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route ... by Baird, Spencer Fullerton, U... ISBN: 9781175352477 List Price: $45.75
Catalogue of North American Birds, Chiefly in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781172254460 List Price: $14.75
Birds of North Americ : The Descriptions of Species Based Chiefly on the Collections in the ... by Baird, Spencer Fullerton, C... ISBN: 9781166457594 List Price: $21.56
Directions for Collecting, Preserving, and Transporting Specimens of Natural History by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781166905125 List Price: $12.76
Birds Collected Excerpts from V 10 of Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the ... by Baird, Spencer Fullerton, H... ISBN: 9781172866366 List Price: $21.75
Reports of Explorations and Surveys : To Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route... by United States. War Dept, He... ISBN: 9781277192599 List Price: $48.75
Annual Record of Science and Industry by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781174605437 List Price: $58.75
Catalogue of North American Reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution : Serpents... by Baird, Spencer Fullerton, G... ISBN: 9781174710940 List Price: $23.75
American Ornithology, or, the Natural History of the Birds of the United States : Illustrate... by Wilson, Alexander, Bonapart... ISBN: 9781175378286 List Price: $44.75
Water Birds of North America by Baird, Spencer Fullerton, T... ISBN: 9781173838003 List Price: $42.75
Catalogue of North American Birds : Chiefly in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781173875015 List Price: $14.75
Reports of Explorations and Surveys to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route f... by United States. War Dept, He... ISBN: 9781176582415 List Price: $60.75
Reports of Explorations and Surveys to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route f... by United States. War Dept, He... ISBN: 9781176582934 List Price: $60.75
On the Serpents of New York : With A Notice of A Species Not Hitherto Included in the Fauna ... by Baird, Spencer Fullerton ISBN: 9781169558113 List Price: $24.76
Natural History of the British Entomostrac by Reeve Benham & Reeve, Print... ISBN: 9781179392943 List Price: $36.75
Natural History Illustrations by Jordan, David Starr, Sonrel... ISBN: 9781179408248 List Price: $15.75
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